woensdag 23 april 2014

Course of action - Knightmare Clone

So far the Knightmare based game has been upgraded with a TitleScreen, some pre-game en in-game background music and soundeffects and a GameOver screen.
The music & sound effects aren't working that great yet. Too often the music becomes jittery, speeds up or skips part. I've been using different classes for audio output from different libraries and asked around how to solve this, but haven't figured it out yet.

I thought it would be good to write down a course of action. Even though it seems like the game engine is almost finished, there is probably still a bunch of stuff that needs to be done before this will be transformed in such a way that it'll be suitable for uploading to the Google Play Store.

So here:


- Enemies:
  • Enemy movement: currently all the enemies have a similar and simpe movement path. Give different enemy types  different movement paths
  • Enemy health system: Incorporate a health system so that certain enemies need to be hit more often.
  • Enemy sound effects: add sound effects to certain enemies
  • Finish Boss enemy
- Our hero:
  • Create different animitions for when our hero moves or stays at the same place
  • Upgrade a weapons system, meaning give our  hero te possibility to pick up different weapons
  • Shield: Add a possibility to get a shield
- Add PowerUps
  • moving balloon like powerups that enables to switch weapon 
  • fixed position powerups for extra point, extra life & instantly kill all enemies on screen

- Levels
  • Adding 2 more levels. New enemy types & new bosses
- Visuals:
  • Change to landscape mode: portrait mode might not be suitable if we wanna incorporate a graphic on-screen movement controller. Changing to landscape mode means everything needs to be resized appropriately

- Movement controller:
  • Currently keyboard input is being used to control movement and to fire an arrow. A graphic interface needs to be created to read out touch input from tablets and phones which can be used to control our hero

- Graphics:
  • Everything needs to be redesigned & we might even wanna use a totally different theme.
  • Finish the Norakomi Logo so we can add a SplasScreen to the game with our own logo!
- Music:
  • intromusic
  • backgroundmusic (main theme)
  • boss music
  • sound effect: death of hero, fire animation sound on death of enemies, sound effects on enemy bullets hitting shield, sound effect on arrow hitting powerups, sound effects for different enemy types
Incorporating Add Networks
  • Chartboost(?)
  • Revmob(?)

dinsdag 15 april 2014

Goonies Clone game/code design nearing it's final stage

The code for the game-part of the MSX Goonies clone is almost done!

So how far are we?:
- More enemies have entered our level
- There are keys all over the map for unlocking doors
- Our hero has a punching animation enabling it to kill enemies & can die with a view change to the game over screen
-  +We got background sound!

We have also have some redesigned graphics for the first level.

Here's a video update (& yes... Finally some better video quality!):

dinsdag 8 april 2014

Sneakpreview Knightmare Clone

Here a sneakpreview of what the game looks like.

The initial design for the first level of our Knightmare clone is almost done & since other levels will be based on this one the initial design for all levels is almost finished.
Occasionally you see me switching between the yellow-black-reddish tilemap image & the background image.

Collision detection of our main character with the background is done, so where he could initially walk over water and through walls, he has now been made more human like.

I added three enemies as a test as well and even have made a small fire animation when an enemy gets shot, but all the enemies still need to be coded into the game.

On the right you see a screenshot from the whole map and where I'm planning to spawn the different type of enemies with the medusa like endboss on the top of the map.

Ofcourse like alwayzzz... Graphics will be totally reskinned...

maandag 7 april 2014

Video- en screenshots Goonies clone project

The code that will take care of collision detection and enemy spawning have been finished & initial design of the maps for the first 2 levels have been done. Just to give a little bit of insight on what that would look like here are some screenshots of level 1 & 2:

Our team got joined by a graphic designer who will redesign the graphics for our Goonies clone.
I'm getting excited, cause we're getting nearer and nearer to the final stages of our project where we can take care of some finishing touches, implement some mobile ad networks & finally upload our first game to the Google Play Store...

Here is a videoshot from out Goonies Clone project:

Video quality is a bit low, but that's because i messed up with recording.
O well...better next time.