donderdag 8 oktober 2015

Android: Which Networking Library to use?

I was browsing around trying to figure out what Library to use for downloading images and Json data and ran into a couple of interesting post.

Comparing a bunch of Libraries like Volley, Picasso, Fresco:

Introduction to Fresco: A new Image library for Android

Introduction to Glide, Image Loader Library for Android, recommended by Google:

Volley Library:
If you look on github for most popular mirrors of the VolleyLibrary you'll find the DWorkS VolleyPlus and the McXiaoke of which the first one has some added functionality like additional Request types and image caching.

You can read more about them at:

woensdag 23 september 2015

Android Animations tutorials

Ran into this tutorial today on coding animations in Android which looks very nice with an extensive look at (theory around) the use of interpolators.

woensdag 13 mei 2015

ObjectAid: UML Explorer for Eclipse

This plugin looks interesting creating a UML diagram overview of how classes in a project are interconnected.

On my todo list:

vrijdag 20 maart 2015

Game Programming Patterns resources

I'm currently reading Robert Nystrom's book on Game Programming Patters. Free to read Web version on:
Very interesting for me, but while reading, and since I am doing my programming in Java, I found the examples occasionally a bit hard to read and understand. I wanted to look for some more concrete examples of game programming patterns written in Java.

A quick Google query already came up with some interesting posts:

Will look into it in more detail later.

woensdag 18 februari 2015

More Mam Bow 2 tutorial

Added a couple of sections on using Tiled, TileMap Rendering and Scrolling.
More to come sooooooon!

maandag 16 februari 2015

Working on a Mam Bow 2 tutorial for programmers

Currently working on a programming tutorial on how Mam Bow 2 was made.
A couple of sections are already done.
If you want to stay update and get notified when a new section comes online follow Norakomi on Facebook or Google+

vrijdag 23 januari 2015

Mam Bow 2 update: improved Gui , switchable left/right handed touch controllers and added level 9 beta

I updated Mam Bow 2 with an improved Graphical User Interface , switchable left/right handed touch controllers and added level 9 beta today.
Version 1.04 should be downloadable from Google Play within a couple of hours...

Have a look & let me know what you think.

Get it on Google Play

vrijdag 16 januari 2015

The Dutch Masters Shuffle Puzzle series will be a development log & LibGDX Game Development tutorial in one.
While we're trying to squeeze some of the greatest art works of the Dutch RijksMuseums into a classical shuffle puzzle for mobile devices you can follow our process, learn how to create shuffle puzzle using LibGDX yourself, help us out and/or see our mistakes.
Introduction section is up on the Norakomi website and I hope to be posting more content over the next couple of days:

Prototyping tools becoming essential

Interesting article on Developer Economics about prototyping tools

donderdag 8 januari 2015

Tutorial AdMob integration for LibGDX Android projects completed

I just finished an extensive step-by-step written online tutorial on how to integrate AdMob in your LibGDX Android projects..
Discussing interstitial ads, banner ads, creating (java) interfaces and adding code to check for WiFi connection and if InterstitialAd is actually loaded.
Plus added a Disquss section to all the pages.

More tutorials - on different subjects - to come...

woensdag 7 januari 2015

AdMob tutorial: AdMob integration for LibGDX Android projects

I'm currently working on a video and written tutorial (online) for AdMob integration for LibGDX Android projects. The first four sections are already up and running on the Norakomi website.

dinsdag 6 januari 2015

Have a first look at Norakomi's website

Norakomi's website for Android & LibGDX Game Development & Tutorials is still under construction, but you can already have a peek already and see what it's going to look like!